The National Broadband Map displays where internet services are, and are not, available across the United States, as reported by Internet Service Providers (ISPs) in the FCC’s ongoing Broadband Data Collection. The map allows consumers and other stakeholders to easily dispute the information shown on the map by challenging information that they believe is inaccurate.
To view the map, visit
What Information is Shown on the Map?
The National Broadband Map shows internet availability, not network performance, affordability, or adoption. On the Location Summary tab, after selecting a green or red dot on the map, information about the high-speed internet services available at that location, as reported by providers, will appear on the right. This information includes a list of providers, the network technology (fiber, cable, DSL, satellite, or fixed wireless), and the maximum advertised download and upload speeds they offer for purchase at the location.

What Can Be Challenged?
Service is considered to be “available” at a location if the provider has, or previously had, a connection in service to the location, or if the provider could initiate service at the location through a routine installation within 10 business days of a request. The installation would have to be done with no extraordinary monetary charges or delays attributable to the extension of the provider’s network.
If you believe that the services listed are not available or contain inaccurate information, you can submit a challenge based on one of the following reasons:
Provider can connect the location but not within 10 business days of a request: The provider was willing to connect the location at some point but was unable to offer an installation date within 10 business days of the service request.
Provider did not install the service at the agreed-upon date: The provider scheduled an installation but failed to perform the install at the scheduled, agreed-upon date and time.
Provider requested more than the standard installation fee to connect this location: The provider quoted an amount to connect the location that is in excess of the provider’s standard installation charge.
Provider does not offer any service at this location, including with the selected technology: A request for service from this provider at this location, using any technology, was denied via phone, the company’s website, or another method.
Provider does not offer the selected technology for purchase or reported the wrong technology for this location: The provider will not connect the location using a particular, reported technology (such as fiber, cable, satellite), but does offer service using a different technology.
The reported maximum advertised speeds are not available for purchase at this location from this provider and technology: The reported maximum advertised download and/or upload speed are not offered for purchase at the location with the selected technology. This is distinct from the speed being delivered with a broadband connection not matching the marketed speed.
Actual Speed Lower than Advertised: Use this option if you have internet service but are not receiving the speeds you expect. Since the National Broadband Map shows information about available service, challenges submitted in this category will be treated by the FCC as a consumer complaint.
No wireless or satellite signal is available at this location: The fixed wireless or satellite signal is not available at the challenged location, or the service could be oversubscribed in the area.
Provider needs to construct new, non-standard equipment to connect this location: Use this code if there are construction costs associated with connecting a satellite or fixed wireless service at the location. Fixed wireline construction costs should be filed under reason #3 above.
Missing Provider: A provider that serves this location is missing from the map. This will not create a challenge, but will be considered as crowdsource data. Learn more about reporting a missing provider.
Filing out the Availability Challenge Form
Make sure that the “Fixed Broadband” tab is selected on the upper right side of the map. After you select the Availability Challenge link below the location’s address, the form shown below will open.
1. Enter your contact information (your name and email are required so that we and/or the provider can contact you; your phone number is optional) and select what type of filer you are. Click the “Next” button.
2. On the next tab, select either:
a. "Challenge the selected provider,” which will initiate a challenge against the provider, or
b. "Just giving feedback”
i. If you select option 2, your submission will not be shared with the selected provider as a challenge; it will be considered as a crowdsource data submission, which may inform the FCC’s need to conduct a verification inquiry of coverage in areas that appear to contain inaccuracies.
3. Click “Select Provider” or “Add Missing Provider.” If you are challenging a provider, click “Select” next to the provider, and its technology, whose service availability information you want to challenge. Click “Next.”
a. If you are adding a missing provider, fill out the provider's name and choose the technology from the dropdown.
4. Select the reason for your challenge from the list shown below.
After selecting a reason for the challenge, you will need to enter additional information unique to each reason. You will also be able to enter information about how you obtained the information that is the basis for your challenge (e.g., the provider’s website, calling the provider, etc.). After entering all of the required information, click “Next.”
5. On Tab 4, you can upload documents, screenshots, or other files that support your challenge. Include as much detailed information as possible about your request for service (or attempted request for service) and any response from the provider, as well as any evidence showing no availability at the location as relevant. Then click “Next”.
6. Read through the Privacy Act Statement and Certification Statement and then check the certification box.
7. Click Submit.
Resolving Challenges
After you submit a fixed availability challenge, your submission will be sent to the provider for a response. Providers must review and either concede or provide information to rebut the challenge. The provider is expected to communicate and work directly with you to resolve any challenges that it does not initially concede. If a provider rebuts a challenge and you and the provider are unable to reach a resolution, then the FCC will decide the outcome of the challenge. If decided in your favor, then the service provider must update its information so that it no longer reports the location as served. If a provider concedes a challenge or loses in an FCC adjudication, the challenged service will no longer show as available at that location on the National Broadband Map.
Learn more about what happens when you submit availability challenges.