Fixed Broadband Supporting Data

Entities that submit fixed broadband availability data in the BDC system must provide Supporting Data for each technology included in the filing (e.g., Copper, Cable, Fiber, etc.).

Entities that submit fixed wireless broadband availability data in a polygon format (not as a list of locations) must submit additional data, as explained in Fixed Wireless Broadband Supporting Data.

Fixed Broadband Coverage Methodology Information

All fixed broadband providers must submit information on how the filer (or its representative) generated the availability data for each technology included in the submission. This information is submitted via a web form in the BDC system with the fields listed below. All values are required except where otherwise noted.

Field Description / Notes
Methodology Information on the methodology used to generate the coverage data.
Explanation Explanation of how the methodologies were implemented.
Distance from the Aggregation Point

In the availability data submitted for a given fixed technology, this is the longest distance between a network aggregation point and a served location, in feet, rounded to the nearest foot.

Report a single value (the highest value) for each technology for which availability data is submitted, in accordance with the FCC's maximum buffer requirements described in the Maximum Buffer Requirements article; do not report a value for each location. A value must be entered by filers who submit fixed wired broadband availability data as a location list or as a coverage map.

Value may be null if the technology is terrestrial fixed wireless or satellite.

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