To complete this part of the form, you need to know how your company’s local exchange lines in each state are distributed in two broad areas: (1) lines provided to unaffiliated providers and (2) lines provided to end users. The interface will do some of the work for you by tabulating the tract-level data you’ve already submitted, and entering the state-level values in the appropriate cells. Remember that unless a cell already contains a number, you need to insert one. Also, explanations of italicized terms are in the Glossary.
Lines Provided to Unaffiliated Providers
This section is unique because it’s actually not an allocation exercise. On the other parts of this page, you need to take the total number of lines you reported for a state and spread it across some mutually exclusive, collectively exhaustive categories. In this case, you need to report two separate numbers: (1) the number of wholesale-service lines; and (2) the number of unbundled network element loops (UNE-L) that you (including your affiliates) provided to unaffiliated service providers.
- Wholesale: Count VGEs provided to unaffiliated service providers under resale arrangements including, among others, commercial agreements that replaced UNE-Platform and resold services such as local exchange, Centrex, and channelized special access. If you don’t have any such lines, enter 0.
- UNE-L: Count lines provided under any UNE loop arrangement where you did not also provide UNE switching for the line. Do not convert UNEs to VGEs. (Local loop UNEs are defined in the FCC Rules at 47 C.F.R § 51.319(a)-(b).) If you didn’t provide any UNE-Ls to unaffiliated providers, enter 0.
Lines Provided to End Users
For this section, the interface will provide you with the total number of VGE lines in the state, tabulated from the tract-level data you entered or uploaded previously. You need to take that number and distribute it in the following ways:
- by Services Sold: For Voice with Internet, enter the number of lines for which you (including affiliates) sell voice and broadband Internet-access service to the same end-user customer. It does not matter if the two services are billed separately or if they are billed by different affiliates. The filing interface will then calculate the number of lines for Voice without Internet—that is, without the end user also purchasing broadband Internet access service—as a residual.
- by Product Type, Consumer: In the Consumer & No PIC cell, enter the number of consumer-grade VGE lines for which you (including affiliates) do not automatically carry interstate long-distance calls made by the end user. For Consumer & PIC, enter the number of consumer-grade VGE lines for which you (including affiliates) are the service provider (either facilities-based or reseller) to which an interstate long-distance call is routed automatically, without the use of any access code by the end user.
Consumer, Total must equal Consumer & No PIC + Consumer & PIC
- by Product Type, Business/Government: In the Business/Government & No PIC cell, enter the number of Business/Government-grade lines for which you (including affiliates) do not automatically carry interstate long-distance calls made by the end user. For Business/Government & PIC, enter the number of Business/Government-grade lines for which you (including affiliates) are the service provider (either facilities-based or reseller) to which an interstate long-distance call is routed automatically, without the use of any access code by the end user.
Business/Gov, Total must equal Business/Gov & No PIC + Business/Gov & PIC
- by Ownership: In the Owned category, enter the number of lines that terminate at the end user’s premises over last-mile facilities that you (including affiliates) own or have obtained the right to use as dark fiber within your own system, or that you (including affiliates) have deployed over spectrum for which you hold a license, manage, or have obtained the right to use via a spectrum leasing arrangement. For UNE-L enter the number of lines that terminate at the end user’s premises over unbundled network element loops obtained from an unaffiliated carrier without also obtaining that carrier’s unbundled network element switching for that line. All lines that do not count as Owned or UNE-L should be counted as Resale. Any lines deployed as UNE-Platform and not yet converted to a commercial agreement should be counted as Resale.
Total must equal Owned + UNE-L + Resale
- by Last-mile Medium: Allocate total lines by the technology in use at the termination at the end-user’s premises. If you don’t have any lines in service over a particular medium, enter 0.
Total must equal FTTP + Coaxial Cable + Fixed Wireless + Copper
Note on Technology/Last-Mile Medium for Local Exchange Telephone Lines: Fiber-to-the-Premises (FTTP) requires an optical termination at the end-user premises; Coaxial Cable is the typical infrastructure used by cable television system operators, and it includes hybrid fiber-coax distribution plant; and Fixed Wireless, in this context, includes any type of wireless spectrum equipped to deliver fixed voice service to the end user’s premises.