Fabric Challenge Category Code Overview

Challenge Topic

To file this type of challenge or recommend this type of correction…

Enter this Category Code…

Take these steps…

And follow these notes and pointers…


Add a BSL (Broadband Serviceable Location) to the Fabric that seems to be missing from the Fabric.


If you know the address of the location you are looking to add, enter “0” (for False) in the bsl_lacks_address_flag field, and then enter the information about the address in the address_primary, city, state, and zip_code fields.


If there is no USPS-deliverable street address associated with the new BSL, enter “1” (for True) in the bsl_lacks_address_flag field.  You should then leave the address_primary and zip_code fields blank, but you will need to enter the city and state fields


Look at whether the point for the location you want to add is on the same building footprint as, or very close to, an existing Fabric location point.  If that’s the case, then the new location may already be encompassed by the Fabric location, given how the FCC defines BSLs.  This is especially likely if the new location is on the same building footprint as, or on the street in front of, the Fabric location.


If you enter 1 in the bsl_lacks_address_flag field and the new location is in an area where the surrounding locations have addresses, this would indicate that the location should have an address and, as a result, your challenge might be rejected.

Address Change

Make changes to the address associated with a BSL in the Fabric.


Use this code if you believe a location in the Fabric is in the correct place, but its primary address is incorrect in some way. 

Make sure that the new address isn’t associated with another location in the Fabric. If it is,  then you will need to submit a category code 2 challenge to the address for the other location as well. If a new address is a duplicate of an existing BSL’s address, the challenge will not be incorporated in the Fabric.

Unit Count

Correct the unit count for a location in the Fabric that has multiple units.


If you believe the unit count associated with a location in the Fabric is incorrect (e.g., the apartment complex at 1234 Mockingbird Lane has 55 apartments, not 45), use category_code 3 and enter the correct number of units in the unit_count field.


Building Type

Change the building type code associated with a BSL.


If a BSL has an incorrect building type code associated with it (e.g., location 1000001234 is coded as residential (R) and should be coded as business (B)), enter category_code 4 and then enter R, B, X, or G in the building_type_code field.

R = Residential

B = Business

X = Mixed Use (Residential and Business)

G = Group Quarters

BSL Location

Change the location of a BSL (or which building is identified as a BSL).


If you believe the wrong structure on a property or parcel was identified as a BSL, and that point location for a BSL at a certain address should be moved, use category_code 5.  Then enter the latitude and longitude of the new location, which must have between 5 and 8 decimal places.

This challenge category will work for shifting a point on the same property/parcel.  If you want to “move” an address to a completely different place, use a combination of Type 6 (to delete the current point) and Type 1 (to add a new BSL).

Abandoned Structure

Remove a location from the Fabric that is abandoned.


If you have evidence that a location ID in the Fabric is associated with a building or structure that is abandoned, and therefore should no longer be a BSL, enter category_code 6.  Then enter P or N for the non_bsl_code field.

P = Location lacks any source for electric power and should be removed from the Fabric 

N = Location no longer exists and should be removed from the Fabric

Secondary Building

Remove a location from the Fabric that is a secondary building or structure on a property or parcel and is not a BSL.


If a 2nd (or 3rd) building on a parcel or property has been identified as a BSL in the Fabric but does not meet the requirements for a BSL, enter category_code 6.  Then enter one of the non_bsl_code values to indicate why the structure or building should not be considered a BSL.  


BSL Flag

Change a BSL flag from True to False.


If you believe a location in the Fabric should not be a BSL, but the Fabric indicates the bsl_flag is true, use category_code 6.  Then enter one of the non_bsl_code values to indicate why the structure or building should not be considered a BSL.  

The non_bsl_code field allows you to, for example, identify a location in the Fabric as a school or other community anchor institution that should not be considered a BSL.

BSL Flag

Change a BSL flag from False to True.


If a location in the Fabric has bsl_flag = False because it has coded the location as a Community Anchor Institution or Enterprise location (building_type_code = C or E), and you believe it is a BSL, use category_code 4 and enter a building_type_codefor the location.  The new building_type_code for this type of challenge must be R, B, X, or G.

This process is similar to changing the building_type_code for a BSL from business (B) to residential (R), for example.  


If the Fabric lacks the location you want to add as a BSL, you will want to add a BSL using category_code 1.

Additional Address(es)

For a location in the Fabric that has multiple addresses associated with it, add an additional, supplemental address.




A duplex, triplex, or condo building is marked as one BSL in the Fabric with one primary_address. If you know that there are other street addresses associated with the building, one for each unit, see if the other addresses are in the Secondary Address file that came with the Fabric.  If they are not, submit a challenge with category_code 7, and then enter the information for the other address(es).

If the unit_count associated with the location is incorrect, you can also submit a code 3 challenge.


Do not use category_code 1 for this situation.  Because the additional addresses are already associated with an existing Fabric BSL, they would not be treated as missing or new BSLs and added to the Fabric.

Remove Secondary Address  For a location in the Fabric that has multiple addresses associated with it, remove an additional, supplemental address.  8  If you know that one or more of the secondary street addresses associated with the building, and or you know the correct location of the address. Submit a challenge with category_code 8.  Do not use category_code 6 for this situation.  
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