Bulk Fabric Challenge FAQs

For general Fabric questions see the Fabric FAQs.

Fabric Challenge Process

What is the deadline for submitting bulk Fabric challenges?

We accept challenges on a rolling basis and will incorporate successful challenge data into the next version of the Fabric if possible. Challenges received too late in the process to allow for inclusion in the next version will be evaluated for inclusion in the version after that.

How do I get access to the Fabric as a state, local or Tribal government?

Please follow the steps outlined in How Government Entities Can Access the Location Fabric.

Where can I find the data specifications for bulk Fabric challenges?

You can find the Bulk Fabric Challenge Data Specification here: https://us-fcc.app.box.com/v/bdc-bulk-Fabric-challenge-spec

Is there a document that summarizes the data specifications for filing bulk Fabric challenges?

Yes. See How to format your bulk Fabric challenge

Can internet service providers (ISPs) submit bulk Fabric challenges?

Yes. ISPs may have information that could help to improve the accuracy of the Fabric. During the process of aligning its broadband availability data with the Fabric, an ISP may have determined that locations were missing from the Fabric or that information associated with locations included in the Fabric is inaccurate or incomplete. We encourage ISPs to use the product of this analysis to prepare bulk Fabric challenges, consistent with the Commission’s definitions and parameters for identifying information on broadband serviceable locations (or, BSLs).

Are Tribal governments permitted to file bulk Fabric challenges?

Yes. We encourage Tribal governmental entities who have access to the Fabric data to review it and, to the extent there are locations that are either not identified or misidentified, to submit a bulk Fabric challenge.

Do you expect ISPs to submit challenges for missing broadband serviceable locations or to provide other corrections to the Fabric?

Yes. ISPs can submit information on missing broadband serviceable locations by submitting a category code 1 challenge. ISPs can submit corrections to the primary address for a BSL by submitting a category code 2 challenge, and can provide supplemental addresses for a BSL by submitting a category code 7 challenge.

We expect bulk Fabric challengers to be familiar with the rules and processes through which the FCC and CostQuest have identified BSLs, including the roles of addresses and unit counts in the Fabric data and relationship between primary and secondary addresses for BSLs. Information for ISPs on address matching and techniques that can be used to match addresses with locations in the Fabric is available on the BDC Help Center at help.bdc.fcc.gov. We expect ISPs to review these materials and try these techniques. If an ISP has performed these steps and still has evidence that a location is missing from the Fabric, that information can be submitted as part of a category code 1 Fabric challenge to add a missing BSL to the Fabric.

Our company (an ISP) submitted a polygon for the availability requirement. Can we still participate in the Fabric challenge process?

Yes, you may participate in the bulk Fabric challenge process. If you are an ISP that has not yet requested access to the Fabric, you will do need to do so in order to participate in the bulk Fabric challenge process. Find information on accessing the Fabric.

Who can certify bulk Fabric challenges? Do they need to be certified by a certified engineer?

A bulk Fabric challenge submission needs to be certified by a certifying official with a company, government, or organization. More information about that can be found on the Entity Information page of the BDC system. Fabric challenge submissions are not required to be certified by an engineer.

What do we (an ISP) do about all the locations incorrectly identified as “ours” in the Fabric? These locations are not served by us, but they shouldn’t be removed from the maps. Should I ignore them?

Yes, you should ignore the locations that you do not serve in your Fabric file. The Fabric is made available to ISPs and governmental entities who get access to it on a county basis, and the dataset you receive from CostQuest will include locations that you do not serve, assuming you do not serve the entire county. You do not need to submit a challenge for those locations – you can simply ignore them.

Bulk Fabric Challenge Format

Should I use the same format for a bulk Fabric challenge that I used for the original, fixed availability list of locations submitted?

No. The data specification for the bulk Fabric challenge data file is different from the data specification for filing fixed broadband availability data. Learn how to format your bulk Fabric challenge

How do I know if I should use the bulk challenge versus the individual challenge process?

There is no minimum-record requirement for submitting a bulk Fabric challenge. Depending on the number of challenges that you plan to file, it may be easier to aggregate those into a tabular file that you can upload in the BDC system as a bulk Fabric challenge rather than submitting individual Fabric challenges, one-by-one and point-by-point, from the Broadband Map for many different locations.

Can providers submit multiple bulk challenge files?

Yes. Each bulk Fabric challenge submission has only one file associated with it, but bulk challenge filers can submit multiple submissions. The limit for one single file or submission is 250,000 records. You could submit multiple submissions, each with a different category code, or you could put all of your challenges into one large file if the file is under the 250,000-record limit for one submission.

Is there a minimum record count for filing a bulk Fabric challenge?

No. As long as there is one correctly formatted record in the .csv file that must be uploaded for a bulk Fabric challenge, the BDC system will accept it.

Are there tutorials on how to file a bulk Fabric challenge?

Yes. Please refer to the video found here: https://help.bdc.fcc.gov/hc/en-us/articles/9157825404443-Video-How-to-File-Bulk-Fabric-Challenges-in-the-BDC-System

Challenge Evidence

The bulk Fabric challenge data specification states the challenge must include evidence supporting a challenge. Can you elaborate on the type of evidence required?

The type of evidence will depend on the category of challenge submitted. For example, showing that a BSL is missing from the Fabric is different from showing that a location’s unit count should be changed, and each will require different supporting evidence. At a minimum, we encourage filers to submit a description of the basis for their proposed modifications to the Fabric data and to include, to the extent possible, specific information (including documentation, images, and results of analyses) that will be helpful in understanding the reason(s) for the challenge.

Do you expect a separate evidence upload to support each challenge?

Separate evidence should be provided for each category of challenge, but a separate upload for each individual location challenged is not required. Only one evidence file can be uploaded with an individual bulk Fabric challenge submission, but filers can include different types of evidence in the same file or file separate submissions for each category of challenge, each with its own evidence file.

Address Matching

I have a large number of addresses that I am not able to match with the Fabric. Why might that be happening?

There are several different reasons this might be happening:

  • Different Town or Zip Code:
    • If you have a town name that is different than what the U.S. Postal Service has for an address, you might miss a large number of addresses in that town. You can try matching by:
      • Zip codes and excluding town names; or
      • Town name and excluding zip codes.
  • Spelling and Abbreviation Mismatches:
  • Different Street Number or Street Name:
    • The Fabric might have the wrong address for a given location. For example, 123 Main Street might mistakenly show up as 125 Main Street in the Fabric. If this is the case, submit a category code 2 challenge to change the address from 125 to 123 Main Street.
  • Multiple Addresses:
    • If a building has multiple addresses associated with it and you are trying to match to only the primary address in the Active Fabric file, you may not get a match. The Secondary Address file that comes with the Fabric includes a list of any additional, secondary addresses associated with each location ID. We recommend that filers conducting address matching use the Secondary Address file as well when trying to match their locations to locations in the Fabric.
  • Multi-Unit Buildings:
    • You might have an address for an individual unit or substructure that is part of a larger building, such as a condo or apartment, that is already identified as a BSL in the Fabric. If you drop the unit/apartment number from your address and the remaining part of the address (the street number and street name) matches to a location in the Fabric, there is no need to file a challenge.
    • In some cases, individual units in a multi-unit structure each have their own street number, even though all of the units are part of a single building footprint on a single parcel. If the location point associated with your address falls on, or very close to, the same building footprint as a location already in the Fabric, even if the Fabric location has a different primary address, there is no need to file a category 1 challenge. If you would like to submit a challenge, please use category code 7 to add an additional address associated with a location.
  • New Builds/Subdivisions:
    • If a new subdivision has been parceled and addresses have been assigned to the lots, but no homes or buildings have yet been constructed, the Fabric will not include any locations for those addresses. In such cases, there is no need to file a challenge because the Fabric includes only locations that have been constructed.

When you are confident that a location not in the Fabric meets the requirements for a BSL, you will submit a type 1 challenge to add that location, as a BSL, to the Fabric. You will need to enter information about that location, including the building type code, and latitude and longitude. The address of the location should also be included, unless the location is in an area of the country where buildings do not have street addresses. In addition, if you seeking to add a new BSL and the address you enter is already assigned to another location, you would also need to submit a category code 2 challenge for the other location.

Keep in mind that having an address missing from the Fabric does not mean that the BSL is missing from the Fabric. In addition to the many difficulties associated with matching addresses described above, it may be that Fabric has an error in its address, or in the building type. Submitting Type 1 challenges to add a BSL without ensuring that the location provided is new and corresponds to the location of a structure is unlikely to be successful.

Missing Broadband Serviceable Location (Challenge Type 1)

Can I submit a challenge to add a missing BSL even if the location does not have an address?

Yes. There are some areas that lack an address. The BDC allows you to note that a challenged location lacks an address. In those cases, you will need to provide the latitude and longitude of the location. Challengers may not, however, use this option to avoid reporting an address for a location that in fact is addressed. Challenges that fail to provide an address for a location in an area that otherwise has addresses may be rejected.

I am an ISP and I have compared the locations in the Fabric to the locations I reported service to in USAC’s High Cost Universal Broadband (HUBB) portal. I have reported service to locations in the HUBB that are not in the Fabric. Can I submit those missing points as a Fabric challenge?

The definition of a BSL differs from location records submitted in the HUBB. ISPs can compare HUBB data with the data in the Fabric and, using geospatial analysis or other tools, can perform an analysis to determine whether all of the locations are reflected in the Fabric. If not, then the ISP can submit challenges for any missing locations.

I have mass-market customer locations that are not showing up as BSLs. Can I submit a challenge?

Yes. The particular type of challenge will depend on the circumstances. If the location is in the Fabric and the BSL flag is marked “false” but the building type code is marked as a community anchor institution or enterprise location, then you will challenge the building type code using challenge category code 4. In this case, you would change the building type code to a business-only location or a business and residential location. If a location receives mass-market service but is not in the Fabric at all, then you will want to add a BSL, which is a category code 1 challenge. As noted above, having an address that does not match the Fabric is not necessarily indicative of a location not being in the Fabric.

I am using proprietary data sources to identify Fabric challenge locations. Do those underlying data become property of the FCC or CostQuest when I submit a challenge?

The FCC maps will be publicly available and will reflect new or updated BSLs as a result of successful Fabric challenges. The updated Fabric itself will also be made available to licensees like broadband providers, state, Tribal and local governmental organizations and third-party licensees. For these reasons, we encourage entities using proprietary data sources to ensure they have adequate data-usage rights or other permissions to use these data for the purpose of participating in the Fabric challenge process.

The underlying data sources that you use to identify locations for challenge do not, however, become the property of the FCC or CostQuest. The permissible uses of the Fabric data (including corrections to the Fabric resulting from the Fabric challenge process) are governed by the FCC's contract with CostQuest.

If a townhouse development where each unit is on a separate parcel is identified in the Fabric as one structure with multiple units, should I submit a challenge to create new BSLs for each townhouse?

It depends on if the development is a condo development or a series of townhouses/rowhouses. Condos are considered multi-dwelling units whether they are vertical or horizontal. A condo development typically has shared or common ownership, which is represented in the Fabric as one BSL with each individual housing unit included in the unit count for the location. Townhouses or rowhouses are generally individual, independent structures, each on their own parcel, and are therefore considered to be individual BSLs.

A lot of locations are not assigned an E911 address until someone requests service. Can those locations be added without an address, or do we have to get an address assigned?

The Fabric does not rely on E911 addresses; it uses the USPS address standards and validation. Typically, local governments will assign an address to a parcel or property well before any structures are built, and if a parcel does not contain a habitable structure, it should not be considered a BSL. We expect USPS addresses to be available in areas that have USPS delivery even if there is not an E911 address associated with it. If a location lacks USPS addressing, a challenge can be filed to add a BSL and you will need to provide the latitude and longitude of the location.

Is there a threshold for when residential developments that are in the process of being constructed can be included in the Fabric?

A structure should not be considered a BSL until it is habitable. If it is still under construction, and therefore is not a place that somebody could live in and request service from, it is not yet a BSL.

Incorrect Location Primary Address (Challenge Type 2)

How do I enter a correct address for a Fabric location?

You should submit a type 2 challenge to correct an address. Fill out the address fields and enter what you believe the correct address for the location should be (street address, city, state, and the zip code).

Incorrect Unit Count (Challenge Type 3)

I think the Fabric contains inaccurate information regarding a public housing unit. How should I challenge this perceived discrepancy?

A multi-dwelling unit that is a single building should appear in the Fabric as one single BSL with a unit count reflecting the number of individual units (apartments, condos, etc.).

If there are missing buildings that qualify as BSLs, then you should submit category code 1 challenge and provide all required information (including the latitude and longitude) for the location.

If the unit count for a building identified as a BSL is incorrect, then you would file a category code 3 challenge to correct the unit count for the location.

How should I handle a structure where multiple units are in the same building, but they have different addresses? For example, for a condo building with three units, where each unit has a different physical address and is individually owned, should I submit a challenge to add two BSLs?

The Commission defined a BSL as a structure, not an address or service account. If (1) a building appears as a BSL in the Fabric; (2) the unit count associated with that BSL is correct (in this example, the unit count should be three); and (3) all of the addresses associated with the structure are included in the active and secondary Fabric files, then that location is correctly reflected in the Fabric and there are no grounds for submitting a challenge.

If the unit count is incorrectly reflected in the Fabric, then you can submit a category code 3 challenge to correct the unit count for the location; if not all of the addresses associated with the location are included in the active or secondary Fabric files, then you can submit a category code 7 challenge to add supplemental addresses for the location.

Is there a process to identify the primary street address captured by a single BSL? For example, if 101 - 107 Main Street are all in the same Fabric location, it would be helpful to know that and to have a list of known addresses/units associated with each BSL.

Each BSL in the Fabric has a single primary address associated with it, as well as any additional addresses in the Secondary Address file. We recommend reviewing that file to ensure that any secondary addresses are correct for that location. If you find there are additional addresses associated with a location that are not included in the active or secondary Fabric files, then you can submit a category code 7 challenge to add supplemental addresses for the location.

Incorrect Location Building Type Code (Challenge Type 4)

The building type code for a location in the Fabric indicates that it is a business-only location (a building_type_code of “B”), but this location includes both business and residential units. Should I submit a challenge for this location?

Yes. If you have evidence that the building type code for an otherwise broadband-serviceable location in the Fabric is incorrectly identified, then you should submit a category code 4 challenge to change the building type code to the correct code. In the example described above, you would submit a challenge to change the code from “B” (i.e., business-only) to “X” (i.e., a business and residential location).

Should large businesses be excluded from the Fabric?

It depends. The Broadband Data Collection only gathers information on the availability of mass-market broadband Internet access service. Locations that are served by non-mass-market, enterprise-grade broadband service (i.e., a service that is individually negotiated for with a service provider) should not be BSLs. If you have evidence that a location currently identified as a BSL in the Fabric does or would not subscribe to mass-market broadband Internet access service, you should submit a challenge and enter “6” in category_code field and “E” in the non_bsl_code field of your bulk challenge file.

Can you help me understand why community anchor institutions (such as a school, library, city government building, etc.) were not included as BSLs in the initial version of the Fabric? If a community anchor institution is served by mass-market services, can a provider challenge that?

The Broadband Data Collection only gathers information on the availability of mass-market broadband internet access service. The Commission has decided that because community anchor institutions generally subscribe to non-mass-market, enterprise-grade services, they would not be identified as BSLs in the initial version of the Fabric.

If you have evidence that a community anchor institution location in the Fabric subscribes to mass-market broadband service, you should submit a category code 4 challenge to update the building type code for the location from “C” or “E” to the appropriate code. For more information please see How to Identify a Community Anchor Institution as a Broadband Serviceable Location

Location Is Not Witihin Footprint of Correct Building (Challenge Type 5)

If a location point in the Fabric falls on a secondary structure, such as a barn or garage, instead of a single-family residence on the same property, then should I submit a challenge to this location and provide the correct latitude and longitude?

Yes, you should submit a category code 5 challenge and enter the latitude and longitude of the residence on the property.

How do I submit a challenge to move a BSL point from one structure to another?

The process for moving a BSL from one structure to another depends upon whether or not the structures are located on the same land parcel.

If the correct structure is located on the same parcel as the existing BSL, then you may submit a category 5 challenge to update the geographic coordinates for the BSL to the appropriate structure. If the correct structure is located on a different parcel than the existing BSL, then this is a two-step process:

  1. Enter a category 6 challenge to remove the location that is misplaced.
  2. Enter a category 1 challenge to add the location in the correct location.

Location Is Not Broadband Serviceable (Challenge Type 6)

Is the category code number 6 (“location is not broadband serviceable”) for abandoned locations or structures?

Yes, if you have evidence that a building or location in the Fabric is abandoned, this would be the appropriate category to use for that challenge. You can also use this category code when seeking to remove a second structure on a property or parcel when only one should be included in the Fabric.

If a residential BSL has a second location ID assigned to the garage or the shed on the property, should I submit a challenge to have that removed?

Yes, if there are other buildings identified as BSLs that do not meet the requirements of a BSL, you should file a category 6 challenge to remove a BSL and enter either “P” or “R” in the non_bsl_code field.

If a building is marked as a BSL in the Fabric but would not be expected to demand broadband services, should I submit a challenge? For example, both my residence and an open-air shed on my property, which receives electricity but is open to the elements, are considered BSLs in the Fabric.

Yes. If you are removing a BSL (in this case, the open-air shed), you should submit a challenge using category code 6. If the BSL were misidentified and you needed to move the location point on your property to the structure that is actually a BSL, you should submit a challenge using category code 5. You should submit information in your evidence file substantiating your methods and sources behind the challenge.

Can a remote cabin without commercial power be considered a BSL?

It depends. A remote cabin that is “off the grid” could have power generated locally through solar or wind power, so it is possible for it to qualify as a BSL. If, however, a location lacks any power source and therefore could not use broadband, it should not be considered a BSL. If a location identified as a BSL lacks power, you can challenge to remove it from the Fabric for that reason.

BSL Flag

How do I submit a challenge to change a BSL flag?

If a location in the Fabric is marked as a BSL and it should not be (for example, it was a barn that was misidentified with a BSL flag of “true”), then you can use challenge type 6 and indicate in the non_bsl_flag field why the structure should not be considered a BSL. If the challenge is upheld, then the BSL flag for the location will be changed from “true” to “false,” or the location will be removed from the Fabric. If, on the other hand, a location with a BSL flag of “false” is, in fact, a BSL – that is, you believe it is a location that receives or could be expected to receive mass-market broadband services, then you should submit a Fabric challenge type 4 and enter the correct building type code. If the challenge is successful, that the location would have a BSL flag of “true” in the next version of the Fabric.

Software Resources

I cannot afford GIS software, as some of the software is expensive. What should I do?

There are open-source tools that could be helpful. For example, QGIS is a free tool that you can download for visualization and geospatial processing of the Fabric .csv file and other data sources. You can find more information on how to upload Fabric data into QGIS by watching this tutorial video.

If you prefer scripting or coding, then geopandas, a python library, and PostGIS are other tools that can be used. PostGIS does not have visualization tools built-in, but it connects to QGIS.

BDC Filing Revisions

I have identified locations that were not included in the Fabric data and will be submitting those locations in a bulk challenge. Once verified and linked to a location ID in the Fabric, will there be an opportunity to add the technology and speeds associated with those locations and update our filing?

Successful challenges to the current version of the Fabric will be incorporated into the version used to collect data for the next filing window. New versions of the Fabric will not apply to previous filing rounds. The version of the Fabric that will be used for each filing round for the biannual submissions will be updated and made available before the start of that filing window. That will be the version of the Fabric used throughout the filing window and in the publication of the Broadband Map for that filing round.

If an ISP did not submit availability data for a location because it didn’t get an exact match with the primary address associated with that location and then later finds (through the challenge process or otherwise) that its address is associated with a location included in the Fabric, then it should revise its availability data to include that location.

Review Process

The BDC system says that my bulk Fabric challenge certified submission has been “Accepted for Filing” or “Accepted” – what does that mean?

When the BDC system indicates that a bulk Fabric challenge certified submission upload has been "Accepted for Filing" or "Accepted", that means the bulk submission is being reviewed and processed by the FCC and CostQuest to see if each individual record in the submission meets the criteria to be included in the next version of the Fabric. Information about the outcomes of specific Fabric challenges within a larger bulk submission will be posted at a later date.

When will the results of Fabric challenges become available?

The results of successful Fabric challenges, those that are incorporated into the next version of the Fabric, will be posted around the time an updated Fabric version is released to Fabric licensees, typically every June and December. The updates will appear on the National Broadband Map the following November or May. Results of individual Fabric challenges that are rejected may be provided earlier in the process, before the next version of the Fabric is released to licensees. All bulk Fabric challenge results are posted in the BDC system in a downloadable CSV file. For more information, see Challenge Resolution Information for Bulk Fabric Challengers and Fabric Challenge Response Codes.

Fabric Versions

Will the FCC’s Broadband Map be based on the current version of the Fabric or an updated version of the Fabric that reflects successful challenges? If a provider submits a successful Fabric challenge that adds a location that it serves, will the provider’s reported BDC data be updated in the current map automatically, or would the provider’s availability data only be updated during the next BDC submission?

Each version of the Fabric is associated with a particular biannual BDC filing round of availability data. Each Fabric version will be updated and made available to licensees before the opening of the filing window. That updated Fabric will incorporate certain successful challenges that were filed against the previous version of the Fabric by a certain date. If a provider successfully challenges the Fabric to add a location, that location will appear in the version of the Fabric used during the next filing window or the following window, depending on the timing of the submission and resolution of the challenge.

The version of the Fabric published on the National Broadband Map aligns with the date associated with availability data published on the map. For example, the availability data as of December 31, 2022 on the map is based on the December 2022 version (Version 2) of the Fabric.

Will the Location ID remain the same between Fabric versions?

We strive to minimize the extent to which location IDs change over time. There are some circumstances, however, when a new location ID will be generated for a location. For example, if we add a new BSL to the Fabric, that location will have a new location ID. Location IDs will remain constant within each version of the Fabric.

Can service providers review the Fabric challenges filed by other service providers?

Any updates to the next version of the Fabric that are made as a result of the Fabric challenge process, including Fabric challenges submitted by other service providers, will be reflected in the next version of the Fabric. In addition, information about which locations have pending Fabric challenges is reflected on the National Broadband Map.

Data Rights/Licensing

Can I share Fabric data with a vendor helping my organization to develop challenge data?

Licensees should refer to the terms of their license with CostQuest, and consult with counsel if appropriate, regarding the allowable uses of the Fabric data under their license. But the license agreements generally allow licensees to share their Fabric data with authorized users, which includes the licensee’s affiliates, personnel, and subcontractors.

If I use an underlying data source (e.g., parcel data or tax-assessor data) to analyze the Fabric data and prepare Fabric challenges, am I required to submit the underlying data source to the FCC as part of the Fabric challenge submission?

No. Challengers to the Fabric do not need to submit the underlying data sources they use to develop their Fabric challenges. For example, to the extent a governmental entity uses parcel data or E911 data as a resource to help identify missing broadband-serviceable locations (BSLs) or inaccuracies in existing BSL records, the governmental entity should not upload that parcel or E911 data as part of its Fabric challenge.

If I have partnered with a third-party vendor to license an underlying data source for use in identifying BSLs in my area, will I be able to use my vendor’s data to participate in the Fabric challenge process?

Because Fabric challenge corrections are incorporated into the Fabric dataset – which is licensed to providers, governmental entities, and other stakeholders and published on the National Broadband Map -- challengers should ensure that they have sufficient data usage rights in the underlying data sources they use to develop their Fabric challenges to allow for the submission of challenges. You should check the terms of your data licensing agreements and coordinate with any third-party data vendors to ensure you have adequate data usage rights.

If I use an underlying data source to identify a Fabric challenge, does the FCC or CostQuest obtain an ownership interest in the underlying data source by virtue of my submitting a Fabric challenge?

No. Neither the FCC nor CostQuest would claim any rights to or ownership over underlying data sources used to prepare and submit Fabric challenges, regardless of whether or not such data were submitted to the FCC in support of the Fabric challenge.

How will the FCC and CostQuest use the information I submit as part of a Fabric challenge?

The submission of a Fabric challenge does not automatically result in a change to the Fabric dataset. The FCC and CostQuest will review the data submitted by challengers and analyze it in conjunction with other data sources to determine whether the challenge should result in a change to the Fabric that would be incorporated into the next version of the Fabric data. Any corrections to Fabric data resulting from the challenge process will be reflected in the next version of the Fabric and the National Broadband Map.

What rights will CostQuest have to use data submitted to the FCC through the Fabric challenge process?

In order to fulfill its obligation to continue to improve the Fabric in its role as the FCC’s contractor, CostQuest is granted certain rights to Fabric correction submissions for the purpose of correcting or otherwise modifying BDC Fabric data. Broadband service providers, governmental entities, and other third parties are able to license the Fabric dataset, which incorporates changes made as a result of challenges, at no cost for purposes of participating in the FCC’s Broadband Data Collection efforts.

Where can I find more information about data licensing issues?

You may read more about how CostQuest uses the data submitted in the challenge process here: https://www.costquest.com/broadband-serviceable-location-fabric/fabric-faq/.

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