What's on the National Broadband Map

The map displays where Internet services are available across the United States, as reported by Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to the FCC. The map will be updated continuously to improve its accuracy through a combination of FCC verification efforts, new data from Internet providers, updates to the location data, and—importantly—information from the public.


About the Data

The availability data shown on the map are submitted by ISPs through the FCC's Broadband Data Collection (BDC). As part of the BDC, all ISPs must file data with the FCC twice a year on where they offer mass-market Internet access service using their own broadband network facilities.

ISPs offering broadband Internet to fixed locations (such as homes and small businesses) must report where they offer service on a location-by-location basis - the same location points you see on the map - which come from the Fabric.

Mobile providers generate the 3G, 4G LTE, and 5G-NR coverage areas shown on the map using propagation modeling, where the models include certain common settings for consistency. The coverage areas are meant to represent the areas where a user should be able to establish a mobile connection, either outdoors or moving in a vehicle, and achieve certain upload and download speeds. Please note that the map does not include information on the availability of mobile wireless broadband service while indoors. Because the coverage map is based on propagation modeling, a user’s actual, on-the-ground experience may vary due to factors such as the end-user device used to connect to the network, cell site capacity, and terrain. The coverage maps on mobile wireless service providers’ websites may be based on different parameters and assumptions, such as service availability provided through roaming agreements, and therefore may differ from the information shown here.

All providers must report data as of June 30 (due September 1) and December 31 (due March 1) each year.

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