Before you can certify your data submission, you must first complete the Final Data Checks section. These checks analyze the data for any abnormalities or inconsistencies across the submission and serve as a safeguard to prevent your submitting any inaccurate data through the BDC Application. The Final Data Checks page will remain locked until you have completed all the previous steps by providing valid data.
Warning: If you make any changes to the data after running your Final Data Check you must rerun them. This will erase any Map Data Confirmations and Explanation Text that you have previously entered the Final Data Checks section.
For Service Provider Entities
- Run the Final Data Checks
- Click Run Final Data Checks. The Final Data Checks page will display a count of warnings and either a yellow hazard icon for any unaddressed or a green check mark showing all have been addressed.
- Availability Data – Map Review lists the Technologies that will require you to Confirm Map Data
- Availability Data – Warnings lists any Warnings or Errors related to your submission
- Subscription Data – Warnings lists any Warnings or Errors related to your submission
- Supporting Data – Warnings lists any Warnings or Errors related to your submission
- Note: For warnings, you will need to provide justification text as to why that warning can be ignored. For errors, you will need to return to your data and upload valid data that fixes the error.
- To download a file of your Final Data Check Warnings, simply click Download Data in the top right corner of the page. This will download a CSV of the warnings.
- Confirm there are no hard stop errors. If a hard stop error exists, you must return to the Submission Overview page and fix it.
- Check Availability Data, Subscription Data, and Supporting Data for hard stop errors.
- Note: A red error message will appear at the top of the Final Data Checks page instructing you to correct the data with your Submission.
- Check Availability Data, Subscription Data, and Supporting Data for hard stop errors.
- View the Map Data, including any geometry fixes made.
- Click the Confirm Map Data link. You will go to a map displaying your Availability Data, aggregated by Technology.
- The left side of the page displays a dynamic status icon for each Technology needing confirmation. Also on the left, you can filter the map display by Technology, Business/Residential, and/or Speed Tier.
- For polygon data, a Geometry Validation box will be on the right side of the page. If there is a green check mark with No Warnings, the system has accepted the data.
- Any invalid geometry errors will display a count of the invalid geometries repaired by the system.
- Map Features:
- Dynamic Filters: Will zoom based on your selected combination of the filters (Technology, Business/Residential, Environment, Speed), and whenever you change the filters, the map will automatically zoom to the area covered by your selection.
- Pan and Zoom Navigation: Pan by clicking and dragging. Zoom with the plus (+) or minus (-) buttons in the top left corner or using the scroll bar on your mouse. The Globe icon will zoom out to display the continental United States. The Reset icon will reset to the default view from your selected filters.
- Toggle Layers: Use the Toggle Layers icon to change the base map (Streets (Dark), Streets (Light), or Satellite). If you upload polygon data and zoom to level 14 or higher, you will be able to select Fabric Data Points from the Toggle Layers menu. This will show a map of locations covered by your Availability Data Submission.
- Map Features:
- Confirm the Map Data, by Technology
- To confirm a technology click on it in the table on the left to display it on the map. If your submission looks accurate and you accept any geometry repairs displayed on the right side of the page, you can click on the Confirm button within the Technology table.
- Geometry Validations (Polygon Data Only)
- For any required geometry repairs, the application will make those repairs automatically and display them.
- The Geometry Validation window displays a count of the number of warnings, the ID number, and file name in which the error occurred. Your original coverage will display in blue, toggle the Geometry Validation switch to display the repaired geometries in yellow.
- If you need to change your polygon Availability Data, click the Change Availability Data link within the Geometry Validation window.
- A popup will ask you if you would like to continue. After clicking Continue, you will return to the Availability Data page, where you can modify your Availability submission.
- Note: Any change to your Availability Data will require you to update Supporting Data and re-run your Final Data Checks.
- Subscribership Comparisons
- Note: Subscription Data checks only apply to Fixed Data Submissions and do not apply Mobile Data Submissions.
- The application will check for any census tracts where subscribers reported for a selected Fixed Broadband Technology, but no corresponding areas of Availability Data. You must fix Subscription Data errors before you can proceed to Certification.
- On the right side, the Subscription Data Comparison window shows a count of Subscription Data Warnings if any, and the table below displays the census tract FIPS number in which the error(s) occurred.
- Your original coverage will be in blue, toggle the Subscription Data Comparison switch to display in red the census tracts that fail the Subscription Data Comparisons.
- Click Update Data beneath the Subscription Data Comparison table to return to the Submission Overview page to repair your submission.
- A window will pop up asking you to confirm that the map data presented on the page is correct. You must click the checkbox and then click Confirm.
- Continue these steps for each Technology. As you confirm each, a green check mark will appear in the Status column. The Final Data Checks page will display a green check mark and an updated count.
- Disconfirming Technologies
- To disconfirm click on the down-arrow part of the Confirm button within the Confirm Map Data table and select Disconfirm.
- A window with a Disconfirm button will pop up to Disconfirm that Technology.
- If needed, provide the required explanation text for any Availability Data Warnings, Subscription Data Warnings, and/or Supporting Data Warnings.
- Tip: Save a version of any Explanation Text that you plan to enter and enter the Explanation Text only after you have confirmed all your Map Data.
- For each warning, with a yellow status of Pending you will need to either:
- Provide Explanation Text as justification for why the warning can be ignored.
- Click Edit to open a pop up that allows you to enter the explanation.
- Click Save, which will close the window and display the status as Completed.
- If you need to edit any completed explanation text, click the Edit link, and revise your explanation.
- Revise your data to fix the error.
- Provide Explanation Text as justification for why the warning can be ignored.
- Click Run Final Data Checks. The Final Data Checks page will display a count of warnings and either a yellow hazard icon for any unaddressed or a green check mark showing all have been addressed.
Government And Other Entities
- Run the Final Data Checks
- Click Run Final Data Checks. The Final Data Checks page will display a count of warnings and either a yellow hazard icon if there are any unaddressed or a green check mark to show that all have been addressed.
- Availability Data – Map Review lists the Technologies that will require you to Confirm Map Data.
- Availability Data – Warnings lists any Warnings or Errors related to your submission.
- Supporting Data – Warnings lists any Warnings or Errors related to your submission.
- Note: For warnings, you will need to provide justification text as to why that Warning can be ignored. For errors, you will need to return to your data and upload valid data that fixes the error.
- To download a file of your Final Data Check Warnings, simply click Download Data in the top right corner of the page. This will download a CSV of the warnings.
- Confirm there are no hard stop errors. If a hard stop error exists, you must return to the Submission Overview page and fix it.
- Check Availability Data and Supporting Data for hard stop errors. A red error message will appear at the top of the Final Data Checks page instructing you to correct the data with your Submission.
- View the Map Data, including any geometry fixes made.
- Click the Confirm Map Data link, you will go to a map displaying your Availability Data, aggregated by Technology for each Provider.
- To change which Provider displays, choose from the Provider Name drop-down menu on the left side of the page.
- The left side of the page displays a dynamic status icon for each Technology needing confirmation. Also on the left, you can filter the map display by Technology, Business/Residential, Speed Tier, and/or Provider.
- For polygon data, a Geometry Validation box will be on the right side of the page. If there is a green check mark with No Warnings, the system has accepted the data.
- Any invalid geometry errors will display a count of the invalid geometries repaired by the system.
- Map Features:
- Dynamic Filters: will zoom based on your selected combination of the filters (Technology, Business/Residential, Environment, Speed), and whenever you change the filters, the map will automatically zoom to the area covered by your selection.
- Pan and Zoom Navigation: pan by clicking and dragging. Zoom with the plus (+) or minus (-) buttons in the top left corner or using the scroll bar on your mouse. The Globe icon will zoom out to display the continental United States. The Reset icon will reset to the default view from your selected filters.
- Toggle Layers: Use the Toggle Layers icon to change the base map (Streets (Dark), Streets (Light), or Satellite). If you upload polygon data and zoom to level 14 or higher, you will be able to select Fabric Data Points from the Toggle Layers menu. This will show a map of location points on the map.
- Map Features:
- Confirm the Map Data by Technology, for each Provider
- To confirm a Technology click on it in the table on the left to display it on the map. If your submission looks accurate and you accept any geometry repairs on the right side of the page, you can click on the Confirm button within the Technology table.
- Geometry Validations (Polygon Data Only)
- If any required geometry repairs, the application will make those repairs automatically and display them.
- The Geometry Validation window displays a count of the number of warnings, the ID number, and File Name in which the error occurred. Your original coverage will display in blue, toggle the Geometry Validation switch to display the repaired geometries in yellow.
- If you need to change your polygon Availability Data, click the Change Availability Data link within the Geometry Validation window.
- A popup will ask you if you would like to continue. After clicking Continue, you will go to the Availability Data page, where you can modify your Availability submission.
- Any change to your Availability Data will require you to update Supporting Data and re-run your Final Data Checks.
- Click the checkbox and Confirm.
- Continue these steps for each Provider and Technology. As you confirm each, a green check mark will appear in the Status column. The Final Data Checks page will display a green check mark and an updated count.
- Disconfirming Technologies
- To disconfirm click on the down-arrow part of the Confirm button within the Confirm Map Data table and select Disconfirm. A window with a Disconfirm button will pop up to Disconfirm that Technology.
- If needed, provide the required Explanation Text for any Availability Data Warnings and/or Supporting Data Warnings.
- Save a version of any Explanation Text that you plan to enter and enter the Explanation Text only after you have confirmed all your Map Data.
- For each warning, with a yellow status of Pending you will need to either:
- Provide explanation text as justification for why the warning can be ignored:
- Click Edit to open a pop up that allows you to enter the explanation.
- Click Save, which will close the window and display the status as Completed.
- If you need to edit any completed Explanation Text, click the Edit link, and revise your explanation.
- Revise your data to fix the error.
- Provide explanation text as justification for why the warning can be ignored:
- Click Run Final Data Checks. The Final Data Checks page will display a count of warnings and either a yellow hazard icon if there are any unaddressed or a green check mark to show that all have been addressed.