After successfully uploading valid Availability Data, a Review Map link will appear. Click the link to review a map of your submission by file.
The Review Map page features various filters that allow you to explore your data using an interactive map, ensuring the accuracy of your submission.
The filters on the map update dynamically based upon the file you have selected. The map will zoom to the area covered by your selection. You will be able to view a map filtered by your selected combination of:
- File Name
- Technology (Fixed Broadband and Mobile Broadband Only)
- Business/Residential (Fixed Broadband Only)
- Environment (Mobile Broadband and Mobile Voice Only)
- Speeds (Fixed Broadband and Mobile Broadband Only)
- Provider Name (Government and Other Entities Only)
If you have uploaded multiple files of Availability Data, the default view of the map will be of the file name associated with the link you clicked on to navigate to the Review Map page.
The page will also display a File Record Count that dynamically updates based upon the file name. And a Selected Record Count that dynamically updates based upon your selection of the attributes. When you hover your mouse over a polygon, the system will display the attributes related to that geometry in a tooltip. Tooltips will be disabled until you zoom in to Mapbox Zoom Level 7 or higher.
Pan by clicking and dragging within the map, zoom in and out with the +/- or the scroll bar on your mouse. The up arrow will reset the map bearing to north. The Globe icon will zoom to the continental United States. Click Reset to return to the default view from your selected filters.
In Toggle Layers, change your preferred Base Map. If you uploaded polygon data, zoom in to level 14 or higher to select Fabric Data Points. Fabric Data Points will display a map of locations covered by your Availability Data Submission (instead of a polygon layer of your coverage area). Your tooltip display will also change to include address information.
Government and Other Entities will have the ability to select an individual provider. This will allow these entities to view coverage by file and by provider within that file. To change the map view by provider, simply click on the Provider Name drop-down menu and select the provider to view.
Some features depend on the data type of the file.
Fixed Broadband Polygon Data
You will see a coverage map of polygon data if you filed as a polygon (ESRI Shapefile, GeoJSON, ESRI FileGDB, or GeoPackage). In the tooltip it will show: Record ID, Feature ID, Brand Name, Business / Residential, Low Latency, Max. Ad. Download Speed (Maximum Advertised Download Speed), Max. Ad. Upload Speed (Maximum Advertised Upload Speed), and Technology.
Fixed Broadband Location Data
If you submitted a CSV, you will see a coverage map of point-based location data. When you select a point, the tooltip will show: Location ID, Address, Building Type, Unit Count, Tract FIPS, Brand Name, Technology, Max. Ad. Download Speed (Maximum Advertised Download Speed), Max. Ad. Upload Speed (Maximum Advertised Upload Speed), Business/Residential, and Low Latency.
Mobile Broadband Availability Data
When you hover your mouse over the data, the tooltip displays: Record ID, Feature ID, Brand Name, Min. Ad. Download Speed (Minimum Download Speed), Min. Ad. Upload Speed (Minimum Upload Speed), Min. Signal Strength, Environment, and Technology.
Mobile Voice Availability Data
When you hover your mouse, the map will display the following information related to that geometry in a tooltip shows Record ID, Feature ID, Brand Name, and Environment.